Our Mission
Providing proven and effective services, in collaboration with community partners, such that every client we engage realizes opportunities for personal growth.

Safe and Inclusive

Our Vision
All individuals have opportunities to lead productive lives, supported by a compassionate and effective network of community partners.

Welcome to Reverend Norm Johnston Youth Residence (Lanark Leeds'n Grenville) Inc., operating as RNJ Youth Services

At RNJ Youth Services our vision is for all individuals have opportunities to lead productive lives, supported by a compassionate and effective network of community partners. By offering a variety of programs for children and youth, we support them and their families. Prevention and early intervention services, as well as helping overcome challenges such as addictions, mental health and involvement in the justice system are part of our mandate. In Lanark country, we also assist adults with these challenges.

We are a not-for-profit community service organization with a small but mighty staff of professionals and dedicated volunteers. We collaborate with many stakeholders and community partners with the common goal of successful development of youth and our adult clients. We provide service to residents throughout Lanark, Leeds and Grenville.